About Auntie Twist

About Auntie Twist
Auntie Twist

Basically I just like helping people out. I've always been the kind of friend who is ready with a cup of tea (or more likely a glass of wine...), a shoulder to cry on and some good advice. Sometimes my advice is like a verbal hug and sometimes it's more like a good shake, depending on what I think you need!

I've been told by so many people that I should be an agony aunt, that I've finally decided to take the plunge and start an advice blog. I'm looking forward to helping y'all tackle your problems!

If you have a question or need some advice on an issue, then email your query to me at:

With love from Auntie Twist

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I would love to hear your thoughts on my answers, and I am sure the askers would love extra advice to go with my own ramblings!